
A healthy home is one that’s safe, comfortable, and well-maintained. At Prospect Property Management, it’s our job to keep it that way.

It’s tough to keep track of all the maintenance a property needs. With our maintenance services, we take care of all these routine tasks for you. We do property inspections and maintenance coordination. 

Our property managers facilitate trades and services for reactive repairs and proactive preventative maintenance to protect your assets. We manage maintenance requests in a timely manner. 

Enjoy the peace of mind that our maintenance services have to offer.

What We Offer

You can’t predict when something will go wrong at your property. But you can prepare for it with our maintenance services. With our timely and open communication services, we arrange repairs as soon as they’re needed. 

When tenants send a maintenance request, we’ll respond right away. We tailor our maintenance services based on the needs of your property. From routine maintenance to emergency repairs, we’ll arrange the service that your property needs.

Why You Need Maintenance Services

How can our maintenance services benefit your property? Here’s why you should consider using a property manager to look after all your plumbing, HVAC, and electrical issues:

Improve Tenant Satisfaction

What’s worse than a broken heater in the middle of winter? The answer: Having a landlord who takes hours to respond to your repair request. 

As a property owner, it’s in your best interest to keep tenants happy. A long-term tenant is better for your finances and your time management. When your tenants need repairs, we’ll find a solution that’s fast and effective.

Keep your Tenants Safe

If your tenant has no hot water or heat, repairs can’t wait until next week. They need service ASAP; otherwise, their safety could be at risk. You can trust us to look after repair requests in a timely manner.

Minimize Damage

A small water leak causes minor damage to your property. But when that leak is ignored for weeks, the damage adds up.

We understand the importance of being punctual when it comes to property maintenance. When your tenant makes a repair request, we make sure to respond to it promptly.

Protect Your Property

Proactive care is always better than a reactive fix. With our preventative maintenance services, we fix problems when they’re still small, so you don’t end up with a lofty repair bill.

Regular maintenance can increase the value of your property. When it comes time to sell, prospective buyers will be happy to know you’ve put the work into upkeeping your building.

Free Up Your Time

It’s tough to maintain your own home. When you add rental properties to the mix, you can quickly become overwhelmed with work. It seems like something breaks every other day, whether the fridge is acting faulty or the shower isn’t working. 

To investigate every property maintenance issue, you may need to drive halfway across the city anytime your tenants call. With our maintenance, we’ll save you the time it takes to do these tasks yourself.

Inquire About Our Property Management Services Today!

At Prospect Property Management, it’s our goal to maximize your real estate investment. Our full-service property management includes:

  • Tenant screening
  • Leasing
  • Marketing 
  • Showings
  • Maintenance coordination
  • Rent collection & reporting
  • Consulting
  • And more

Improve the rental experience at your property with Prospect Property Management. Contact us today!